Both chimpanzees and humans spontaneously imitate each other’s actions

Decades of research has shown that apes, in spite of their proverbial aping abilities, are rather…

Peer influence doubles smoking risk for adolescents

Having friends who smoke doubles the risk that youth ages 10 to 19 will pick up…

Spaser can detect, kill circulating tumor cells to prevent cancer metastases, study finds

A nanolaser known as the spaser can serve as a super-bright, water-soluble, biocompatible probe capable of…

‘Electronic skin’ takes wearable health monitors to the next level

Researchers have developed a new, electronic skin which can track heart rate, respiration, muscle movement and…

Systematically studying slippery surfaces

Polymer brushes are polymers grown on surfaces, and are attractive for use in lubrication and anti-fouling…

Before the flood: What drives preparedness?

More targeted efforts are needed from both the public and private insurance sectors in order to…

Repairing damaged hearts with self-healing heart cells

New research has discovered a potential means to trigger damaged heart cells to self-heal. The discovery…

Smart label could one day let you know when to toss food and cosmetics

Detecting food and cosmetic spoilage and contamination. Identifying new medicinal plants in a remote jungle. Authenticating…

People who ‘hear voices’ can detect hidden speech in unusual sounds

People who hear voices that other people can't hear may use unusual skills when their brains…

Licorice is a hot trend in hot flashes, but could interact with medications

Licorice roots have a flavorful history, having been used in ancient Egyptian teas and in traditional…