Remarkable artistry hidden in ancient Roman painting revealed

Molten lava, volcanic ash, modern grime, salt, humidity. The ancient painting of a Roman woman has…

Avocado seed husks could be a gold mine of medicinal and industrial compounds

In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists report that avocado seed husks, which are usually discarded along with…

Sopping up sunblock from oceans to save coral reefs

Coral reefs can't seem to catch a break. Not only are rising temperatures wreaking havoc with…

New vaccine could someday fight the effects of opioid combinations

Substance abuse is a continuing problem in the US, to the point of being an 'epidemic.'…

Clay-based antimicrobial packaging keeps food fresh

Sometimes it seems as if fresh food goes bad in the blink of an eye. Consumers…

Into the wild for plant genetics

A new article reveals the opportunities for portable, real-time DNA sequencing in plant identification and naming.…

Sedentary behavior increases risk of death for frail, inactive adults

Sedentary time, for example, time spent sitting, increases the risk of death for middle-aged and older…

Comparison of screening recommendations indicates annual mammography

When to initiate screening for breast cancer, how often to screen, and how long to screen…

Behavior theory may offer key to ensuring infants are put to sleep safely

It is still common for infants to be placed in unsafe sleeping positions by their caregivers,…

Have flowers devised the ultimate weapon of distraction?

Nectar, the high-energy 'honey' produced by flowers, might be a brilliant distraction technique to help protect…