Quick and easy way to shut down instabilities in fusion devices

Scientists have discovered a remarkably simple way to suppress a common instability that can halt fusion…

Hot spot at Hawaii? Not so fast

Geophysicists use a new model to conclude that volcanic hot spots around the globe aren't moving…

Despite benefits, half of parents against later school start times

Leading pediatrics and sleep associations agree: Teens shouldn't start school so early. Yet recent research finds…

Smokers 20 percent more likely to quit when cigarettes cost $1 more

Smokers were found to be 20 percent more likely to quit smoking when packs of cigarettes…

Mineral layer around avian flu pathogen may be the cause for human infections

Avian flu can be transmitted from birds to humans; transmission among humans, however, is limited. The…

The power of perovskite

Researchers improve perovskite-based technology in the entire energy cycle, from solar cells harnessing power to LED…

Cheesemaking secret unlocked

Researchers say their new knowledge on the inner workings of a bacterium has important implications for…

Mechanisms explaining positional diversity of the hindlimb in tetrapod evolution

Elucidating how body parts in their earliest recognizable form are assembled in tetrapods during development is…

Rebutting the claim that antidepressants do not work

A theory that has gained considerable attention in international media suggest that antidepressant drugs, such as…

How whip-like cell appendages promote bodily fluid flow

Researchers have revealed that a molecule called Daple is essential for the correct orientation and coordinated…