Heightened risk in rice? Researchers discover the toxicity of thioarsenates for plants

Rice is a staple food in many regions of the world, however it sometimes contains levels…

Best practices for cochlear implant hearing preservation identified

New research findings could transform treatment for people with cochlear implants worldwide, and may also enhance…

A little place for my stuff: How big bacteria can grow depends on how much fat they can make

Just as people endlessly calculate how to upsize or downsize, bacteria continually adjust their volume (their…

Air pollution casts shadow over solar energy production

Global solar energy production is taking a major hit due to air pollution and dust. The…

2-D material’s traits could send electronics R&D spinning in new directions

Researchers created an atomically thin material and used X-rays to measure its exotic and durable properties…

Alzheimer’s gene associated with failure to adapt to cognitive challenge in healthy adults

Healthy adults carrying the gene APOE4 -- the strongest known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease…

Brain’s fight and flight responses to social threat

A new study explores the neural correlates of the 'fight-or-flight' response finds that people who choose…

‘Own-point-of-view’ video method leverages power of perception to improve emergency care

The 'own-point-of-view' perspective video technique, coupled with a subjective re situ interview, provides a better understanding…

Rapidly mapping the ‘social networks’ of proteins

Scientists improved upon a classic approach to mapping the interactions between proteins.

Insomnia medication may wake up some patients from vegetative state

A systematic review of zolpidem for noninsomnia neurological disorders, including movement disorders and disorders of consciousness,…