Cancer hijacks natural cell process to survive

Cancer tumors manipulate a natural cell process to promote their survival suggesting that controlling this mechanism…

Eating more vegetable protein may protect against early menopause

Long-term, high intake of vegetable protein from such foods as whole grains, soy and tofu, may…

Physician heal thyself: Simple coping strategies for pervasive physician burnout

The proverb, 'physician heal thyself,' is probably more relevant today than it was in biblical times…

Scientists find clever way to help you de-clutter your home

If your attic is full of stuff you no longer use but can't bear to give…

Greater muscle strength, better cognitive function for older people

Greater muscle strength is associated with better cognitive function in ageing men and women, according to…

Regular brisk walks and a daily longer one help lower office workers’ blood lipids

Taking 2-minute brisk walks every 30 minutes and a half-hour walk each day reduces blood lipid…

Combination approach improves power of new cancer therapy

An international research team has found a way to improve the anti-cancer effect of a new…

Mitochondria targeting anti-tumor compound

The compound folic acid-conjugated methyl-BETA-cyclodextrin (FA-M-BETA-CyD) has significant antitumor effects on folate receptor-ALPHA-expressing (FR-ALPHA (+)) cancer…

Twitter-monitoring system detects riots far quicker than police reports

Social media can be an invaluable source of information for police when managing major disruptive events,…

Neuron-integrated nanotubes to repair nerve fibers

A new study sheds light on the properties of nanostructures capable of ensuring an effective integration…