New biomarker assay detects neuroblastoma with greater sensitivity

Investigators have developed and tested a new biomarker assay for quantifying disease and detecting the presence…

How do genes get new jobs? Wasp venom offers new insights

A new study describes how four closely related species of parasitic wasps change their venoms rapidly…

A rising star: Researchers dissect the process by which blood vessels shrink, which could have important implications for human health

It's a tiny marine invertebrate, no more than 3 millimeters in size. But closely related to…

Localized signaling islands in cells: New targets for precision drug design

New research overturns long-held views on a basic messaging system within living cells. Key cellular communication…

First Chikungunya-infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes found in Brazil

While more than 13,000 cases of Chikungunya viral disease were reported in Brazil in 2015, scientists…

Simulated honeybees can use simple brain circuits for complex learning

Honeybees may not need key brain structures known as mushroom bodies in order to learn complex…

Human genes for coronary artery disease make them more prolific parents

Coronary artery disease may have persisted in human populations because the genes that cause this late-striking…

Scientists uncover potential mechanism for HPV-induced skin cancer

Scientists have identified a molecular pathway by which some types of human papilloma virus (HPV) might…

Cancer cells may streamline their genomes in order to proliferate more easily

Cancer cells might streamline their genomes in order to proliferate more easily, new research suggests. The…

New efficient, low-temperature catalyst for hydrogen production

Scientists have developed a new low-temperature catalyst for producing high-purity hydrogen gas while simultaneously using up…