Drowsy dormice doze into decline

Britain's population of hazel dormice, famed for their sleepy lifestyle, has declined by more than 70…

Type fast if you want to be a virtual team leader: Study

A new study finds that to the fast typist go the leadership spoils. The study suggests…

Memory for stimulus sequences distinguishes humans from other animals

Humans possess many cognitive abilities not seen in other animals, such as a full-blown language capacity…

Depressed patients more likely to be prescribed opioids

Patients with low back pain who were depressed were more likely to be prescribed opioids and…

Experts set out plan to tackle ‘questionable integrity’ of medical evidence

A plan to tackle 'serious flaws in the creation, dissemination and implementation of medical evidence' is…

Mountain lions fear humans, fleeing when they hear our voices, new study reveals

New research into the behavior of mountain lions indicates they don't like encountering humans any more…

Shared decision-making is cornerstone of multiple sclerosis treatment

One of the cornerstones of multiple sclerosis treatment is shared decision-making between patients and their doctors…

Post-ICU glucose management may improve outcomes in critical patients

Monitoring and maintaining glucose levels of critically ill patients after admission from ICU, to general care…

Primary care decisions often made without the best evidence

Primary care providers may have a difficult time finding quality evidence to support their clinical decisions,…

Finding the perfect match: New approach to battle drug-resistant bacteria

Antibiotics were the wonder drug of the 20th century, but bacteria evolved resistance. According to the…