How phytoplankton rule the oceans

Photosynthesis is a unique biological process that has permitted the colonization of land and sea by…

Corn better used as food than biofuel, study finds

Corn is grown not only for food, it is also an important renewable energy source. Renewable…

Bacterial superantigens turn our immune cells to the dark side

A subpopulation of immune cells that normally fend off pathogens can turn against the host during…

Mathematical biology tackles destructive plant virus

Plant diseases pose a serious threat to global food security, especially in developing countries, where millions…

Computer scientists repurpose laparoscopy video for medical training

A new system has been developed that can efficiently search through hundreds of hours of video…

Star’s birth may have triggered another star birth, astronomers say

Radio images give new evidence that a jet of material from one young star may have…

Thousands of genes influence most diseases, researchers report

In a provocative new perspective piece, researchers say that disease genes are spread uniformly across the…

Ten near-Earth size planets in habitable zone of their star

NASA's Kepler space telescope team has released a mission catalog of planet candidates that introduces 219…

Exhausted Immune Cells Linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A specific type of irritable bowel syndrome is associated with exhaustion of the immune system in…

Team tests best delivery mode for potential HIV vaccine

For decades, HIV has successfully evaded all efforts to create an effective vaccine but researchers are…