First randomized controlled trial of deep brain stimulation for chronic pain shows promise

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ventral striatum/anterior limb of the internal capsule is safe and…

People who go to bed late have less control over OCD symptoms

A late bedtime is associated with lower perceived control of obsessive thoughts, according to new research.

Physical activity counselling affects parents and get children to move

Parents can affect their children’s physical activity behavior. A unique finding of the study was that…

‘Principal pipelines’ to develop leaders may be affordable way to improve schools

Improving school leadership by better selecting, training and evaluating principals can be an affordable option for…

African plant extract offers new hope for Alzheimer’s

A plant extract used for centuries in traditional medicine in Nigeria could form the basis of…

Applying continuous airway pressure improves respiratory and survival rates in children

Applying continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), a form of non-invasive ventilation, decreased mortality in children with…

Cow herd behavior is fodder for complex systems analysis

With closer inspection, researchers have recognized that what appears to be a randomly dispersed herd peacefully…

Illuminating a better way to calculate excitation energy

Researchers have demonstrated a new method to calculate excitation energies. They used a new approach based…

Family history and location of genetic fault affect risk for carriers of cancer genes

A large scale study of women carrying faults in important cancer genes should enable doctors to…

New metrology technique measures electric fields

It is crucial that mobile phones and other wireless devices -- so prevalent today -- have…