Wave beams mix and stir the ocean to create climate

Waves deep within the ocean play an important role in establishing ocean circulation, arising when tidal…

Internet-based weight-loss program for low-income women after child birth

An internet-based weight loss program was effective in promoting significant weight loss in low-income postpartum women…

Age-specific overall risk of breast, ovarian cancer among women with BRCA1/2 genetic mutations

Researchers conducted an analysis that included nearly 10,000 women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutations…

Screening for obesity in children and adolescents recommended

The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that clinicians screen for obesity in children and adolescents…

Increase in use of high-dose vitamin D supplements

From 1999 through 2014 the number of US adults taking daily vitamin D supplements above the…

Getting the biggest bang out of plasma jets

Capillary discharge plasma jets are created by a large current that passes through a low-density gas…

People looking for prestige prefer ‘big ponds’ over small ones

When looking at new opportunity, do you choose an average place where you are among the…

Scientists turbocharge high-resolution, 3-D imaging

Scientists have found a relatively simple, low-cost fix that substantially improves images obtained via a widely…

Older dads have ‘geekier’ sons

Sons of older fathers are more intelligent, more focused on their interests and less concerned about…

Solar heating could cover over 80 percent of domestic heating requirements in Nordic countries

By using suitable systems, more than 80 percent of heating energy for Finnish households could be…