Muscle growth finding may assist with cancer treatment

Researchers have developed a therapeutic approach that dramatically promotes the growth of muscle mass, which could…

New magnet technology creates easy blood access for hemodialysis patients

A new, minimally invasive system which uses radiofrequency energy instead of open surgery to create access…

Wildfires pollute much more than previously thought

Wildfires are major polluters. Their plumes are three times as dense with aerosol-forming fine particles as…

Ancient otter tooth found in Mexico suggests mammals migrated across America

An ancient otter tooth recently discovered in Mexico suggests certain mammals migrated across America during the…

Diabetes drug trial needs to widen participants to understand full impact of drugs

More work needs to be done to examine the real world effects of the commonly prescribed…

Energy-efficient cleaning robot

State-of-the-art solar cells are efficient -- but are even more so when they are kept clean.…

Extraction of phenols from grape skin, seeds, optimized

Squeezing grapes has to be sufficiently intense to be able to extract the phenols from the…

Solar material for producing clean hydrogen fuel

A new material has been created based on gold and black phosphorus to produce clean hydrogen…

All stars are born in pairs, new evidence shows

Though astronomers have long known that many if not most stars are binaries, the question has…

Search for Earth-like planets: Try a statistical approach

A team of astronomers seeks to change the way scientists approach the search for Earth-like planets…