Parasitic nematodes that cause greatest agricultural damage abandoned sex

The nematode worms that cause the world's most devastating crop losses have given up on sexual…

Radiation therapy vital to treating brain tumors, but it exacts a toll

Radiation therapy (RT) using high-energy particles is a common and critical component in successfully treating patients…

Fractal planting patterns yeild optimal harvests, without central control

Bali's famous rice terraces, when seen from above, look like colorful mosaics because some farmers plant…

New study design holds promise for drug safety research

As the pace of drug approvals accelerates and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) faces…

Risk for binge drinking differs by ethnicities, income and changes with age, study finds

There are differing risks for binge drinking based on race, income and age, say researchers. African-Americans…

Study shows texting as good as medication at improving type 2 diabetes management

Low-income Hispanics with Type 2 diabetes who received health-related text messages every day for six months…

Flaws in a tumor’s genetic mending kit drive treatment response to immunotherapy

In an expanded, three-year clinical trial of 86 patients with colorectal and 11 other kinds of…

Batteries from scrap metal

Scientists have made good use of waste while finding an innovative solution to a technical problem…

Robotic device developed to help stroke survivors recover

A new robotic tool has been developed for assessments of muscle overactivity and movement dysfunction in…

Physicists use numerical ‘tweezers’ to study nuclear interactions

Researchers have developed numerical 'tweezers' that can pin a nucleus in place, enabling them to study…