Tackling infectious disease, one protein at a time

A team of scientists has solved the 3-D structure of 1,000 proteins from more than 70…

Study of sisters helps explain dad’s influence on risky sexual behavior

Researchers have shown links between father involvement and daughters' sexual behavior, with the standard explanation attributing…

Where climate change is most likely to induce food violence

While climate change is expected to lead to more violence related to food scarcity, new research…

Setting stretch goals can undermine organizational performance, new study shows

While the general consensus regarding stretch goals is that they boost drive, innovation, and improve organizational…

Nanoparticles and magnets offer new, efficient method of removing oil from water

Engineering researchers used magnetic nanoparticles to separate oil from water through a simple process that relies…

Monkey see, monkey do, depending on age, experience and efficiency

Wild capuchin monkeys readily learn skills from each other -- but that social learning is driven…

Developing fetuses react to face-like shapes from the womb

It's well known that young babies are more interested in faces than other objects. Now, researchers…

Brain imaging reveals neural roots of caring

When others suffer, we humans empathize. Our feelings of empathy take different forms, such as distress…

Extinct early whales listened like their relatives on land, fossil evidence shows

Whales show surprisingly vast differences in hearing ability. Baleen whales tune into infrasonic sounds to communicate…

Researchers uncover new instruction manual to repair broken DNA

Researchers have discovered how the Rad52 protein is a crucial player in RNA-dependent DNA repair. The…