Brain’s hippocampus can organize memories for events as well as places

The hippocampus can generalize, putting not just places but also events into sequence by changing the…

Report looks at liver cancer, fastest-growing cause of cancer deaths in US

A new report provides an overview of incidence, mortality, and survival rates and trends for liver…

Overriding the urge to sleep

The discovery of neurons that control arousal has implications for insomnia and other sleep disorders, report…

Sensitivity to inequity is in wolves’ and dogs’ blood

Not only dogs but also wolves react to inequity -- similar to humans or primates, suggests…

New leukemia treatment outperforms standard chemotherapies

Researchers are working on a new treatment for an aggressive type of leukemia that outperforms standard…

Control of material crystallization by agitation

Ooscillation of materials at a specific frequency markedly accelerates their crystallization, outlines a new report.

The mysterious bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor chain

The volcanic islands of Hawaii represent the youngest end of a 80 million years old and…

Cosmic inflation: Higgs says goodbye to his ‘little brother’

In the first moments after the Big Bang, the Universe was able to expand even billions…

Does your name match your face?

People tend to associate round names such as 'Bob' and 'Lou' with round-faced individuals, and they…

X-ray study reveals way to control molecular vibrations that transmit heat

Scientists have developed a new way to track dynamic molecular features in soft materials, including the…