Inherited, rare skin disease informs treatment of common hair disorders, study finds

Researchers studying an inherited disorder of skin, hair follicles, nails, sweat glands, and teeth called hypohidrotic…

New cellular imaging paves way for cancer treatment

Researchers have pioneered a technique which uses florescent imaging to track the actions of key enzymes…

Fatherhood factors influence how dads spend time with children

A father's resources, relationships, and parenting beliefs affect how he spends time with his children and…

Delayed food introduction increases risk of sensitization, study finds

Infants who avoided cow's milk products in their first year were nearly four times as likely…

Why the marijuana and tobacco policy camps are on very different paths

New research looked at diverging trajectories of cannabis and tobacco policies in the US and attempts…

Nanotechnology reveals hidden depths of bacterial ‘machines’

New research has probed the structure and material properties of protein machines in bacteria, which have…

Culprit hidden in plain sight in Alzheimer disease development

A new study heightens concerns over the detrimental short- and long-term impact of airborne iron-rich strongly…

Mind changing can be risky

When leaders use a moral argument rather than a pragmatic one as the basis for a…

The role of the protein Rrm3 in the repair of breaks in DNA during replication

Researchers have now gained a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms that prevent genetic instability. These…

Sahara greening may intensify tropical cyclone activity worldwide

Future climate warming could lead to a re-greening of the southernmost Sahara (Sahel), with decreased dust…