Electric car subsidies may do more harm than good

Subsidizing electric vehicles in the North American context will not reduce GHG emissions in the short-term,…

Researchers identify protein target to halt citrus tree disease

Researchers may have come a step closer to finding a treatment for a disease called Huanglongbing,…

Retinal cells ‘go with the flow’ to assess own motion through space

A new study helps to explain how specialized retinal cells help stabilize vision by perceiving how…

Moroccan fossils show human ancestors’ diet of game

New fossil finds from Morocco do more than push back the origins of our species by…

Scientists discover a 2-D magnet

For the first time, scientists have discovered magnetism in the 2-D world of monolayers, or materials…

Innovative therapy strategy for pancreatic cancer uses engineered exosomes targeting mutated KRAS gene

Genetic manipulation of exosomes, virus-sized particles released by all cells, may offer a new therapeutic approach…

Seeing inside coral

New technologies are making it possible to see inside coral, to examine the skeleton cores for…

How to reduce shockwaves in quantum beam experiments

While skimmers have been a necessary component in atomic and molecular-beam experiments for decades, they were…

Prebiotics reduce body fat in overweight children

There may soon be a new tool in the fight against childhood obesity. Prebiotics reduce body…

Nanowires, the future of electronics

The current demand for small-sized electronic devices is calling for fresh approaches in their design, report…