Hubble’s tale of two exoplanets: Nature vs. nurture

Is it a case of nature versus nurture when it comes to two 'cousin' exoplanets? In…

Genetic cross-talk key to cell balance

Scientists provide evidence of direct cross-regulatory feedback, or cross-talk, between Nanog and Hox genes.

Marine reserves help mitigate against climate change, say scientists

Highly protected marine reserves can help mitigate against the impacts of climate change, a study by…

Micro-gene protects brain from developing epilepsy

Increased levels of a micro-RNA could have a protective effect that explains why identical stressors trigger…

Revolutionary new materials for troubled carbon times: Super filters the world can afford

Researchers develop a material that will potentially revolutionize carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

Domes of frozen methane may be warning signs for new blow-outs

Several methane domes, some 500m wide, have been mapped on the Arctic Ocean floor. They may…

Newly identified gene helps time spring flowering in vital grass crops

A gene that keeps grasses from entering their flowering cycle until the season is right has…

Time to initiating cancer therapy is increasing, associated with worsening survival

After reviewing nearly 3.7 million patient records, researchers have shown that newly diagnosed cancer patients are…

Children of separated parents not on speaking terms more likely to develop colds as adults

A team of psychologists wanted to better understand if specific aspects of the family environment following…

Diabetes drug prevents stiffening of heart muscle in obese mouse model

Overconsumption of a Western diet high in fats and refined sugars has contributed to a global…