What caused the most toxic algal bloom ever observed in Monterey Bay?

In spring 2015, the West Coast of North America experienced one of the most toxic algal…

Tactile sensor gives robots new capabilities

Eight years ago, researchers unveiled a new sensor technology, called GelSight, that uses physical contact with…

How one man’s shoes help NASA communicate water clarity issues

Scientists make precise measurements of water clarity from satellite data, but the calculations can be hard…

Collateral damage from cosmic rays increases cancer risks for Mars astronauts

The cancer risk for a human mission to Mars has effectively doubled following a study predicting…

Could acidifying oceans slow down coral disease?

Black band disease is less deadly to mountainous star coral (Orbicella faveolata) as water acidified, or…

Anticipation helps pathological gamblers hold out for larger-but-later rewards

Triggering pathological gamblers to envision a future personal experience reduces their preference for an immediate reward…

Targeted therapies show initial effectiveness in subset of papillary thyroid cancer

Two immunotherapy drugs currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment…

White noise after loud noise prevents hearing deficits in mice

Mild hearing loss from exposure to less than one hour of loud noise leads to a…

Dying stars give newborn black holes a swift kick, study shows

Investigators reanalyzed the merging black holes detected by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) on Dec.…

App uses smartphone compass to stop voice hacking

Engineers are creating an app to stop voice hacking. The app uses existing smartphone components, including…