Breeding pairs of birds cooperate to resist climate change

Most bird chicks need parental care to survive. In biparental species the chicks have greater chances…

Pictorial warning labels on tobacco products could help improve communication of risks to smokers

Health warning labels that include images or Pictorial Warning Labels (PWLs) are more effective in gaining…

Adding a second HER2 blocker may lower chance of invasive breast cancer for some women

A phase III clinical trial of 4,805 women with HER2-positive breast cancer suggests adding a second…

Adding a second HER2 blocker may lower chance of invasive breast cancer for some women

A phase III clinical trial of 4,805 women with HER2-positive breast cancer suggests adding a second…

Mom and baby sleeping in same room associated with less sleep, unsafe sleep habits

Room sharing between babies and mothers beyond the first four months is associated with less sleep…

First long-term study of Murray-Darling Basin wetlands reveals severe impact of dams

A landmark 30-year-long study of wetlands in eastern Australia has found that construction of dams and…

Simple step to protect people with type 1 diabetes against heart disease

One additional injection of insulin three hours after eating has been shown to protect people with…

Citizen scientists help infectious bacteria researchers

A novel method for assessing human/virus interactions in the natural environment has now been developed using…

Scientists find way to surgically strike out weeds that impede crop growth

By using a combination of fumigants, scientists believe they can surgically strike out some weeds that…

New millimeter-wave technology could make future vehicles much safer

The development of a low-power millimeter-wave amplifier that feeds on 0.5 V power supply and covers…