Psychological intervention lowers survivors’ fear of cancer recurrence

About 50 percent of all cancer survivors and 70 percent of young breast cancer survivors report…

Census shows which mammals survive in forests surrounded by sugarcane plantations

A census of medium and large mammals found in 22 forest remnants surrounded by sugarcane plantations…

‘Quantum leap’ toward building a novel experiment to probe the ‘dark contents’ of the vacuum

Physicists have made a huge step forwards towards building a novel experiment to probe the 'dark…

Supportive housing improves health of formerly homeless people with HIV/AIDS

Ask Elizabeth Bowen about the intersection of homelessness and HIV/AIDS in the United States and she'll…

Two combination therapies shrink melanoma brain metastases in more than half of patients

A combination regimen of two immunotherapies and another of two targeted therapies each significantly shrank metastatic…

New transplant technology could benefit patients with type 1 diabetes

Combining a new hydrogel material with a protein that boosts blood vessel growth could improve the…

Increasing susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus in the United States

Findings from a study that looked at susceptibility trends of Staphylococcus aureus in US hospital patients…

Dasatinib excels in worldwide phase ii trial against pediatric CML

The promise of the second-generation drug dasatinib against pediatric CML has been demonstrated in a new…

Cannabinoids used in sequence with chemotherapy are a more effective treatment for cancer, say experts

Cannabinoids - the active chemicals in cannabis - are effective in killing leukemia cells, particularly when used in…

Antibiotic overuse in children could be reduced with improved communication

To help reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics for common childhood illnesses, parents would benefit from fuller…