Limiting patient mobility in hospitals may do more harm than good

Despite hospitals' best efforts, there is little proof that policies to inhibit patient mobility actually prevent…

How walking benefits the brain

You probably know that walking does your body good, but it's not just your heart and…

Wax worm caterpillar will eat plastic shopping bags: New solution to plastic waste?

Generally speaking, plastic is incredibly resistant to breaking down. That's certainly true of the trillion polyethylene…

Brain’s power to adapt offers short-term gains, long-term strains

Like air-traffic controllers scrambling to reconnect flights when a major hub goes down, the brain has…

Physicians vastly underestimate patients’ willingness to share sexual orientation, study finds

A study that surveyed a national sample of emergency department health care providers and adult patients…

Physical activity may ward off heart damage

Physical activity can lower the risk of heart damage in middle-aged and older adults and reduce…

Growth under pressure: New metamaterial designed with counterintuitive property

Inspired by 3-D printing, researchers explored development of one mechanical property called effective static compressibility. As…

Does death of a sibling in childhood increase risk of death in surviving children?

Bereavement in childhood due to the death of a sibling was associated with an increased risk…

The Radiohead ant: A new species of ‘silky’ ant grows fungus gardens for food

A new species of silky ant has been named after the famous British band Radiohead in…

Hundreds of genes that influence timing of puberty identified

The largest genomic analysis of puberty timing in men and women conducted to date has identified…