Influenza: More efficient, more protective vaccinations

New findings challenge the traditional policy of replacing old strains in existing human influenza vaccines with…

Can airborne viruses survive in water?

A new study challenges the tenet that herpes viruses, like most enveloped viruses, are relatively unstable…

Faster biosensor for healthcare now developed

A new technology has been designed that is 20 times faster than the existing biosensors using…

Using CRISPR to reverse retinitis pigmentosa and restore visual function

Using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9, researchers have reprogrammed mutated rod photoreceptors to become functioning cone photoreceptors,…

Scientist’s new approach may accelerate design of high-power batteries

A model for designing novel materials used in electrical storage devices, such as car batteries and…

Medical history reveals multiple sclerosis begins to impact patients sooner

People with multiple sclerosis can show signs of something wrong five years before the onset of…

Fecal microbiota transplants improve cognitive impairment caused by severe liver disease

Fecal transplantation of bacteria from one healthy donor into patients that suffer from hepatic encephalopathy, is…

Investigational dose of oral interferon-free treatment can cure hepatitis C in children

A study that evaluated an investigational dosage of once-daily ledipasvir 45 mg/sofosbuvir 200 mg (LDV/SOF) in…

Diet high in animal protein is associated with NAFLD in overweight people

A diet high in animal protein was associated with a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver…

Origins of Indonesian Hobbits finally revealed

The most comprehensive study on the bones of Homo floresiensis, a species of tiny human discovered…