On the brink of eradication: Why polio research matters

In the decades since Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine, cases of polio have…

No link found between HIV levels and immune activation during antiretroviral treatment

Despite successful treatment, people receiving antiretroviral drugs continue to have small amounts of human immunodeficiency virus…

Scientists ID two molecules that inhibit proteins involved in chronic inflammatory disease

Scientists have identified two small molecules that could be pursued as potential treatments for chronic inflammatory…

New statistical analysis reveals thousands of rare mutations linked with cancer

Scientists have identified thousands of previously ignored genetic mutations that, although rare, likely contribute to cancer…

Macrophages conduct electricity, help heart to beat

Macrophages have a previously unrecognized role in helping the mammalian heart beat in rhythm. Researchers have…

Brains of one-handed people suggest new organization theory

In people born with one hand, the brain region that would normally light up with that…

Naked mole-rats ‘turn into plants’ when oxygen is low

Deprived of oxygen, naked mole-rats can survive by metabolizing fructose just as plants do -- a…

BP oil spill did $17.2 billion in damage to natural resources, scientists find

The 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill did $17.2 billion in damage to the natural resources…

Discovering the basics of ‘active touch’

Working with genetically engineered mice -- and especially their whiskers -- researchers report they have identified…

In roundworms, fats tip the scales of fertility

Two scientists have discovered how fat levels in a tiny soil-dwelling roundworm (C. elegans) can tip…