Living with a star: NASA and partners survey space weather science

Storms from the sun can affect our power grids, railway systems and underground pipelines. Now scientists…

Volunteering might prevent substance abuse for female student-athletes

As substance abuse continues to be a health concern in colleges and universities across the US,…

Children at greater risk for complications from brown recluse spider bites

Medical complications of brown recluse spider bites are uncommon but they can be severe, particularly in…

Periodic model predicts spread of Lyme disease

Lyme disease is among the most common vector-borne illnesses in North America, Europe, and some parts…

Why children struggle to cross busy streets safely

Children up to early teenagers lack the perceptual judgment and motor skills to safely cross a…

Just breathe: Mindfulness may help freshman stress less and smile more

The first semester of college is a time of great transition for many students -- they…

One in every 15 non-obese older Filipino Americans has diabetes

Non-obese Filipino Americans aged 50 and over have a much higher prevalence of diabetes than non-Hispanic…

Scientific advance for cool clothing: Temperature-wise, that is

A low-cost plastic material has now been developed that could become the basis for clothing that…

Volcanic eruptions examiner

Volcanologists spent two weeks collecting samples from Yasur, a continuously erupting volcano on Tanna, an island…

Women more sensitized than men to metal used in joint replacement

Why are women at higher risk of complications after total hip or knee replacement surgery? An…