New insights into ‘ocean worlds’ in our solar system

Two veteran NASA missions are providing new details about icy, ocean-bearing moons of Jupiter and Saturn,…

Methane seeps in the Canadian high Arctic

Cretaceous climate warming led to a significant methane release from the seafloor, indicating potential for similar…

Brain tissue from a petri dish

The most complex organ in humans is the brain. Due to its complexity, it is extremely…

Fundamental unit of cell size in bacteria discovered

By applying mathematical models to a large number of experiments in which bacterial growth is inhibited,…

With magnetic map, young eels catch a ‘free ride’ to Europe

Each year, young European eels make their way from breeding grounds in the Sargasso Sea to…

Battery prototype powered by atmospheric nitrogen

As the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, nitrogen has been an attractive option as a…

Brain structure, anxiety and negative bias linked in healthy adults

Healthy college students who have a relatively small inferior frontal cortex - a brain region behind…

Visualizing future doesn’t increase delayed gratification

Scientists found that visualizing the future doesn't cause people to delay gratification but rather increases impulsivity.

Policymakers ‘flying blind’ into the future of work

Will a robot take away my job? Many people ask that question, yet policymakers don't have…

Green IT: New switching process in non-volatile spintronics devices

Physicists achieved a robust and reliable magnetization switching process by domain wall displacement without any applied…