Effective communication from doctors could reduce anxiety for wet age-related macular degeneration patients

Highly effective current treatments for vision loss need to be allied with careful counseling to ensure…

Tuberculosis: Researchers uncover how bacteria burst our cells

Scientists unveil the complex molecular structure that causes lethal infections by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Their findings…

Time-lapse video reveals cells essential for ‘birth’ of blood stem cells

A new study examines origin of blood stem cells during development and offers clues for making…

Protecting biomolecules against light-induced damage

Scientists have analyzed a mechanism which protects biomolecules such as the DNA against damage by light.…

Diamonds coupled using quantum physics

Researchers at TU Wien have succeeded in coupling the specific defects in two such diamonds with…

Cause of an inherited neurological disorder discovered

Researchers have identified the basis for how a single gene mutation can cause a rare neurological…

It’s the thought that counts: The neuro-anatomical basis of forgiveness revealed

Researchers studied the areas of the brain involved in processes which prompt us to forgive those…

Higher wages linked to immigrant diversity

Diverse immigrant populations do more than enrich a city’s cultural fabric. According to geographers, they also…

New mouse developed that could provide advance warning of next flu pandemic

A transgenic mouse has been developed that could help scientists identify new influenza virus strains with…

Patients uncertain about how to best manage their cholesterol, survey finds

People who have high cholesterol may understand they need to manage their condition, but many aren’t…