Endangered Finnish seals go online to highlight plight

LAKE SAIMAA, Finland (AP) -- Wildlife conservationists in Finland are planning to give endangered seals a…

Endangered Finnish seals go online to highlight plight

LAKE SAIMAA, Finland (AP) -- Wildlife conservationists in Finland are planning to give endangered seals a…

Cyborgs at work: employees getting implanted with microchips

STOCKHOLM (AP) -- The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a…

Cyborgs at work: employees getting implanted with microchips

STOCKHOLM (AP) -- The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a…

Swedish student startup gets deal to build electric cars

LUND, Sweden (AP) -- A group of Swedish university students that raised 1.2 million euros ($1.3…

Swedish supermarket tests lasers to label organic produce

MALMO, Sweden (AP) -- Something high-tech is happening in the produce aisle at some Swedish supermarkets,…

Swedish supermarket tests lasers to label organic produce

MALMO, Sweden (AP) -- Something high-tech is happening in the produce aisle at some Swedish supermarkets,…