Compact Muon Solenoid on the lookout for new physics

With Run 3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) just around the corner, the LHC experiments…

Astronomers link 64 telescopes to observe the structure of the universe

An international team of astronomers have for the first time combined the power of 64 radio…

Blood pressure e-tattoo promises continuous, mobile monitoring

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of heart health, but it’s tough to…

Damaged plants and fake perfumes can be identified rapidly and reliably in real time

The chiral signature of a fragrance can reveal whether a perfume is genuine or fake. Similarly,…

How to store more carbon in soil during climate change

Researchers from Cornell University, Ohio State University, Technical University of Munich, and the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment…

Researchers uncover molecular basis of antigen processing for cancer target MR1

In a new study published in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)…

UK towns have become 'news deserts' as people get their news from Facebook rather than local papers

A new Charitable Journalism Project report—Local News Deserts in the UK—examines the effects of the collapse…

Speed dating skills can kickstart business relationships between entrepreneurs and mentors

The connection start-up entrepreneurs and potential mentors build during their very first “date” plays an important…

Cut and stretch assay reveals resistance genes

Which antimicrobial resistance genes are present in bacteria, for example in a hospital ward? For laboratories…

Changes in the jet stream are steering autumn rain away from southeast Australia

You wouldn’t know it from the torrential rains that have inundated large parts of New South…