Climate warming and benthivorous fish interactively lead to regime shift in freshwater ecosystems

Shallow lake ecosystems can shift from a clear-water state dominated by macrophytes (good state) to a…

Precise antitumor strategy achieved via photo-switchable lanthanide-doped nanoparticles

Lanthanide-doped nanoparticles (LnNPs) can harvest the near-infrared (NIR) light to emit higher energy photons (upconversion) or…

Engineered adhesion makes programmed self-assembly of bacteria possible

Researchers from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have…

Urban gardens are a dependable food source for pollinators through the year

Gardens in cities provide a long and continuous supply of energy-rich nectar from March to October,…

Discovery of the least 'metallic' stellar structure in the Milky Way

The sun is made up of 98.5% hydrogen and helium, two light chemical elements, while the…

Coherent interstellar magnetic field detected

Magnetic fields are the essential, but often “secret” ingredients of the interstellar medium and the process…

A novel compound might defeat multidrug-resistant bacteria common in hospitals

For years, public-health experts have been sounding the alarm about the next phase in humanity’s co-existence with bacteria—a dark future where emerging strains have rendered once-powerful antibiotics useless.…

Study enriches species diversity, phylogeny and evolution regularity of hydnaceae

The family Hydnaceae is a significant group of fungi in Cantharellales. some genera with lichenicolous or…

Salamander species can regenerate its skin without scars

Although human skin heals from injuries and wounds, many of us have scars that are left…

Researchers discover controversial four-legged 'snake' is a different ancient animal

It all started with a grand claim: scientists had discovered the first known four-legged snake fossil…