Giant stone artifacts found on rare Ice Age site in Kent

Researchers at the UCL Institute of Archaeology have discovered some of the largest early prehistoric stone…

Stressed rattlesnakes found to calm down in the company of a nearby 'friend'

When a creature’s stress levels decrease because of the presence of a companion, it is known…

Invasive non-native species cost UK economy an estimated £4bn a year, study reveals

CABI scientists have carried out a study which reveals invasive non-native species (INNS)—such as the aquatic…

Helping adolescents to feel competent and purposeful—not just happy—may improve grades

Encouraging adolescents to feel capable and purposeful—rather than just happy—could improve their academic results as well…

Tracking ships' icy paths amidst climate change

There has been much buzz about the warming planet’s melting Arctic region opening shipping routes and…

New genetic technology developed to halt malaria-spreading mosquitoes

Malaria remains one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Each year malaria infections result in hundreds of…

Diving into history: Newspapers offer historical perspectives on Brazil's marine biodiversity

Humans have depended on marine ecosystems as a source of food and livelihood for thousands of…

Orbital angular momentum boosts multiplexed holography

Optical holography is a powerful method for recording and reconstructing complete optical field information, including intensity…

American mink regrow their brains in a rare reversal of the domestication process

Farm animals look different from their wild counterparts in many ways, and one difference is consistent:…

Water temperature found to not impact blue-green algae blooms

Even if most cyanobacteria blooms in Canada’s lakes happen during the hottest periods of summer, water…