Commentary: The Prowl…

This past weekend, I found myself as the designated driver for a group of my college…

‘Bath Salts’ drug the latest scourge

The silent killer

Express Logistics Carrier-3 Installed on Station

Express Logistics Carrier-3 (ELC-3), was handed off from shuttle Endeavour’s robotic arm to the International Space…

Hatches Between Shuttle and Station Open

Hatches between space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station were opened about an hour ahead…

Endeavour Docks with International Space Station

At 6:14 a.m. EDT, Commander Mark Kelly backed space shuttle Endeavour into pressurized mating adapter 2…

Endeavour Begins Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver

At 5:15 a.m. EDT, space shuttle Endeavour began the nine-minute Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver, or “backflip.” With…

Live report of Astronaut Furukawa’s ISS expedition mission on June 8 (Wed.) and 10 (Fri.)

Endeavour Performs TI Burn

Commander Mark Kelly and the crew of Endeavour performed the Terminal Initiation burn at 3:38 a.m.…

STS-134 MCC Status Report #06

On tap today is the top scientific priority of the STS-134 mission, installing Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2…