Rare Clear View of Alaska

On most days, relentless rivers of clouds wash over Alaska, obscuring most of the state's 6,640…

JAXA and ESA sign Amendment to the agreement concerning cooperation in the field of space parts

Accelerating Space Station Science: NASA Marshall's Upgraded Payload Operations Integration Center Enhances Station Work

NASA unveiled today an upgraded Payload Operations Integration Center at the Marshall Space Flight Center in…

The Weather Channel interviews 45th Weather Squadron members

NASA Selects Suborbital Space Technology Payloads

NASA has selected 21 more space technology payloads for flights on commercial reusable launch vehicles, balloons,…

SBIRS HEO-3 Shipped

The third Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) payload was shipped June 12…

Cassini Probe to Take Photo of Earth From Deep Space

NASA's Cassini spacecraft, now exploring Saturn, will take a picture of our home planet from a…

NASA Announces Asteroid Grand Challenge

NASA announced Tuesday a Grand Challenge focused on finding all asteroid threats to human populations and…

ATV-4 docking

ATV Albert Einstein, Europe’s supply and support ferry, docked with the International Space Station on 15…

ATV-4 docking

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and  Cosmonaut Aleksandr Misurkin before the docking of ATV Albert Einstein on…