Space fashion

ESA’s Couture in Orbit project to look at the future of fashion using space materials and…

Galileo 13 & 14 – Liftoff replay

Europe’s 13th and 14th Galileo satellites lifted off at 08:48 GMT (05:48 local time, 10:48 CEST)…

Galileo 13 & 14 replay – part 1

Rewatch the full coverage of the liftoff of Europe’s 13th and 14th Galileo satellites, which lifted…

Integration of Soyuz VS15 upper composite

Integration of Soyuz VS15 upper composite on 10 May 2016 ahead of their 24 May launch…

Galileo liftoff

Europe’s 13th and 14th Galileo satellites lifted off at 08:48 GMT (05:48 local time, 10:48 CEST)…

Comet on 21 May 2016 – OSIRIS narrow-angle camera

OSIRIS narrow-angle camera image taken on 21 May 2016, when Rosetta was 7.4 km from Comet…

Next SpaceX Commercial Cargo Launch Targeted for Mid-July, NASA Opens Media Accreditation

Media accreditation now is open for the next SpaceX commercial cargo resupply services mission to the…

NASA Hurricane Resources Available for 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season

NASA has a variety of resources for reporters covering 2016's Atlantic Ocean and Eastern and Central…

NASA Hurricane Resources Available for 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season

NASA has a variety of resources for reporters covering 2016's Atlantic Ocean and Eastern and Central…

UWE-3 Status Report

On May 21, 2016 the CubeSat UWE-3 celebrated 2.5 years in space without any significant failures.…