Paw Paw Bends

The Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 captured this image of the Potomac River and…

NASA Invites Media to Meet New Science Directorate Chief

Media are invited to meet Thomas Zurbuchen, recently named the associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission…

Satellites to spot drones and guide cyclists

A space-age system for detecting drones took home the grand prize in this year’s European Satellite…

The universe is flat as a pancake. Coincidence?

Dark energy is smoothing the expanding cosmic curves – but only exactly the right amount can…

The Higgs boson makes the universe stable – just. Coincidence?

If the mass-giving particle were much lighter, the cosmos would quickly collapse in on itself. It’s…

Cosmic dark matter and energy balance – for now. Coincidence?

Dark matter dominated the early universe and dark energy will reign billions of years from now.…

One idea explains all the weird coincidences in the universe

Don’t believe in coincidences but stuck for an explanation? Time to call up the anthropic principle…

The universe lines up along the ‘axis of evil’. Coincidence?

From the rotation of galaxies to cosmic expansion everything points in one direction. If only we…

Space is all the same temperature. Coincidence?

Distant patches of the universe should never have come into contact. So how come they’re all…

NASA Awards Contract for Sustainable Land Imaging Spacecraft

NASA has awarded a delivery order under the Rapid Spacecraft Acquisition III (Rapid III) contract to…