Solar cells with nanostripes

Solar cells based on perovskites reach high efficiencies: They convert more than 20 percent of the…

To ease Mexico City’s water woes, look up, study suggests

For Mexico City's biggest businesses and its poorest neighborhoods, rainwater harvesting could help address an enormous…

Astronomer ponders the idea of looking for long extinct intelligent alien life

(—Jason Wright, an astronomy professor at Penn State, has uploaded a paper to the arXiv preprint…

How to boil down a pile of diverse research papers into one cohesive picture

From social to natural and applied sciences, overall scientific output has been growing worldwide – it…

Three-week radiation therapy treatment given post mastectomy is safe and effective

A shorter course of radiation therapy given to breast cancer patients following mastectomy is safe and…

Scientists find a likely genetic driver of smoking-related heart disease

Cigarette smoking accounts for about one fifth of cases of coronary heart disease (CHD), one of…

Infrared 3D scanner: Fast and accurate

Infrared 3D scanners have been used in video games for quite some time. Whereas in video…

MicroRNA reduces stroke risk

The molecule microRNA-210 stabilizes deposits in the carotid artery and can thus prevent them from tearing,…

Solar cells with nanostripes

Solar cells based on perovskites reach high efficiencies: they convert more than 20 percent of the…

Repetition a key factor in language learning

A new study has focused on language acquisition in the brain. Even short repetitive exposure to…