Three-thousand-year-old axes found in farmer’s field in mid-Norway

Some 3,000 years ago, 24 axes were cached in Stjørdal municipality, about 44 km east of…

Erasable ink for 3D printing

3D printing by direct laser writing produces micrometer-sized structures with precisely defined properties. Researchers have now…

Lower more than you lift: Benefits for experienced resistance-trainers

Greater benefits occur when lowering (i.e. eccentric) a greater load than is lifted (i.e. concentric) during…

Sodium, magnesium to replace lithium in batteries

Scientists have produced novel electrolytes for rechargeable sodium and magnesium batteries. The research group’s objective was…

Losses reduce subsequent risk taking among bettors

Psychologically, loss is known to cause about twice as much pain as pleasure caused by similar…

X-ray microscope optics resolve 50-nm features while eliminating chromatic aberrations

X-ray microscopes are commonly used in combination with full-field imaging techniques in spectromicroscopy applications, where they…

Scientists develop novel chemical ‘dye’ to improve liver cancer imaging

A new nanodiamond-based dual-mode contrast agent provides clearer and more accurate images of liver tumors at…

New species of dinosaur increases the already unexpected diversity of ‘whiplash dinosaurs’

A new sauropod species has been named Galeamopus pabsti by the same team which recently reinstated…

Researchers create a roadmap of bipolar disorder and how it affects the brain

In the largest MRI study on patients with bipolar disorder, a global consortium published new research…

New line of attack on spinal muscular atrophy

Scientists have discovered a physiological chain of events in animal models in which motor neurons and…