Screening for vascular disease saves one life for every 169 patients assessed

A novel screening program for vascular disease saves one life for every 169 men assessed, according…

Renal denervation lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients

Renal denervation lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients not taking medication, according to new research results.

Inclisiran lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol for up to 1 year

Inclisiran lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL; 'bad') cholesterol for up to one year in patients with high…

Clinical benefit of LDL cholesterol lowering depends on how it is lowered

The benefit of lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol depends on how it is lowered, according to…

Self-driving vehicles at the microscale

(—In a new study, scientists have developed the microscale version of self-driving vehicles: a 5-μm spherical…

Kenya bans plastic bags in bid to fight pollution

A ban on plastic bags came into force in Kenya on Monday in a bid to…

Flight Test Assessments of Pilot Workload, System Uability, and Situation Awareness of TASAR

Abstract: Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) is an onboard automation concept intended to identify trajectory…

Climate change seen as cause for mudslide in Switzerland

The effects of climate change are partially to blame for a mudslide through a southeastern village…

ESA and industry collaborate to improve rocket fairings

Rocket fairings are now lighter, faster to produce and less costly thanks to a manufacturing process…

ESA and industry collaborate to improve rocket fairings

Rocket fairings are now lighter, faster to produce and less costly thanks to a manufacturing process…