Why are coyote populations difficult to control?

Conventional wisdom suggests that coyote control efforts actually result in an increase in the number of…

Beta blockers have positive effect in pulmonary arterial hypertension, researchers find

A common heart disease medication, beta blockers, may help treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a debilitating…

Antidepressants found in fish brains in Great Lakes region

Human antidepressants are building up in the brains of bass, walleye and several other fish common…

Untreated sleep apnea shown to raise metabolic and cardiovascular stress

Sleep apnea, left untreated for even a few days, can increase blood sugar and fat levels,…

Mind wandering is common during driving

Scientists have investigated mind wandering in volunteers during a driving simulation. Astonishingly, during the simulation, the…

Nature gem within the city: What grows in the biodiversity-rich Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve

Established as early as 1900, Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve (BNFR) is the oldest of its kind…

Racism on college campuses is rooted in the small things people say and do

While overt and blatant expressions of prejudice seem to have declined on American university campuses over…

The Substorm Cycle as Reproduced by Global MHD Models

Abstract: Recently, Gordeev et al. (2015) suggested a method to test global MHD models against statistical…

Guidelines for the monitoring of beetles protected in Europe

In a set of eight research publications, scientists tested various methods for the monitoring of five…

Improving earthquake resistance with a single crystal

A new heating method for certain metals could lead to improved earthquake-resistant construction materials.