Antidepressants found in fish brains in Great Lakes region

Human antidepressants are building up in the brains of bass, walleye and several other fish common…

Eat a purple potato if you know what’s good for you

Israeli scientists synthesize healthier potatoes and tomatoes in brilliant colors. The technology can also produce unusually…

Physical, chemical and biological impacts of melting ice sheets

A group of international researchers have returned from a highly successful expedition to the Labrador Sea…

Nucleolus is a life expectancy predictor

Can a cell show its biological age? And is it possible to foresee an animal's lifespan?…

Study reveals how oxygen-deprived protein loosely binds to a mineral

Scientists have discovered the details of an unconventional coupling between a bacterial protein and a mineral…

One million premature deaths linked to ozone air pollution

Scientists at the University of York's Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) have released new figures showing long-term…

Alcohol abuse, dental conditions, mental health found to be causes of avoidable US emergency visits

Alcohol abuse, dental conditions, and mental health were found to be the main causes of avoidable…

Record-low 2016 Antarctic sea ice due to ‘perfect storm’ of tropical, polar conditions

The sudden, unexpected nosedive in Antarctic sea ice last year was due to a unique one-two…

Improving earthquake resistance with a single crystal

A new heating method for certain metals could lead to improved earthquake-resistant construction materials.

Why are coyote populations difficult to control?

Conventional wisdom suggests that coyote control efforts actually result in an increase in the number of…