Jordan faces likelihood of much more frequent long and severe droughts

A new analysis of drought in Jordan - one of the world's most water-poor countries -…

New rules, tech are dimming Hong Kong’s signature neon glow

HONG KONG (AP) -- For Hong Kong's famed neon lights, the future looks dim....

The animals rescued from war zones

Vet Amir Khalil goes into conflict areas to save the zoo animals left behind.

American pika disappears from large area of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains

The American pika, a small mammal adapted to high altitudes and cold temperatures, has died out…

How certain ants snap their jaws shut in the blink of an eye

Few victims stand a chance against the formidable mandibles of a trap-jaw ant. In conflicts between…

Profitable cooperation: Ants protect and fertilize plants

Biologists describe how the waste left by ants on plant leaves serves as a valuable fertilizer…

Good as gold

Few experiences invoke as much anxiety as a call from your doctor saying 'you need to…

Gold nanoparticles fry cancer on glowing mice

A new study takes a new approach to killing cancer: Why not fry it into oblivion…

Jordan faces likelihood of much more frequent long and severe droughts

Jordan is among the world's most water-poor nations, and a new, comprehensive analysis of regional drought…

Z-endoxifen shows promise as new treatment for common breast cancer type

Z-endoxifen, a potent derivative of the drug tamoxifen, could itself be a new treatment for the…