Motorized molecules drill through cells

Motorized molecules that target diseased cells may deliver drugs to or kill the cells by drilling…

Volcanic eruptions drove ancient global warming event

A natural global warming event that took place 56 million years ago was triggered almost entirely…

Acting like a muscle, nano-sized device lifts 165 times its own weight

Engineers have discovered a simple, economical way to make a nano-sized device that can match the…

Uncovering factors that shape sea life

Researchers have proposed a new conceptual model of island biogeography for marine organisms -- a theory…

A big difference between Asian and African elephants is diet

New research has shown that there are significant differences between the Asian and the African forest…

Blood test can predict early lung cancer prognosis

Cancer cells obtained from a blood test may be able to predict how early-stage lung cancer…

Dating? A magic formula to predict attraction is more elusive than ever

Dating websites often claim attraction between two people can be predicted from the right combination of…

What grocery shoppers want: Low prices, one-stop shopping

Donna Brown visited a Whole Foods for the first time in at least five months with…

What grocery shoppers want: Low prices, one-stop shopping

Donna Brown visited a Whole Foods for the first time in at least five months with…

Otters learn by copying each other

Otters can learn how to solve puzzles by watching and copying each other, new research shows.