Patient plays saxophone while surgeons remove brain tumor

Music is not only a major part of Dan Fabbio's life, as a music teacher it…

NASA shows how Harvey saturated areas in Texas

NASA analyzed the soil moisture in southeastern Texas before and after Harvey made landfall and found…

Stroke patient improvement with a brain-computer interface

It is possible for stroke patients to improve motor function using special training involving connecting brain…

How invasive species threaten bats

A new review is the first to describe the scope of threats to bats by invasive…

Understanding ancient geometric earthworks in southwestern Amazonia

Researchers examine pre-colonial geometric earthworks in the southwestern Amazonia from the point of view of indigenous…

Leaf sensors can tell farmers when crops need to be watered

Plant-based sensors that measure the thickness and electrical capacitance of leaves show great promise for telling…

Do squirrels teach bears to cross the railroad? Grizzlies dig squirrel middens for grains

Grains have been reported to regularly trickle from hopper cars travelling via the railway through Canada's…

New robot rolls with the rules of pedestrian conduct

Engineers have designed an autonomous robot with 'socially aware navigation,' that can keep pace with foot…

Wolf behavior undeterred by tailings ponds and pit mines

New research shows that predation rates of moose have increased near areas of high human disturbance,…

Leaf sensors can tell farmers when crops need to be watered

Plant-based sensors that measure the thickness and electrical capacitance of leaves show great promise for telling…