Method speeds up time to analyze complex microscopic images

Cryo-electron tomography permits researchers to study in detail the microscopic structures inside of cells. Researchers who…

Fossil footprints challenge established theories of human evolution

Newly discovered human-like footprints from Crete may put the established narrative of early human evolution to…

Study reveals ways collegiate sports venues can achieve ‘zero waste’

Officials at collegiate sporting venues have been leading efforts toward zero-waste events with many professional and…

Protein transport channel offers new target for thwarting pathogen

A bacterium that attacks people suffering from chronic lung disease and compromised immune systems could be…

Some TRAPPIST-1 planets may have the right conditions for water

Water on the planets nearest the TRAPPIST-1 star would be destroyed by UV radiation but it…

Some TRAPPIST-1 planets may have the right conditions for water

Water on the planets nearest the TRAPPIST-1 star would be destroyed by UV radiation but it…

New research reveals why is yawning so contagious

New research sheds light on why yawns are so contagious.

Clues to why leaves come in many sizes

Scientists are closer to solving one of the big puzzles of the plant world - why…

Mouth clicks used in human echolocation captured in unprecedented detail

Like some bats and marine mammals, people can develop expert echolocation skills, in which they produce…

Study reveals ways collegiate sports venues can achieve ‘zero waste’

A new study analyzing waste and recyclables during Mizzou's 2014 home football season demonstrates that by…