Study reveals ways collegiate sports venues can achieve ‘zero waste’

A new study analyzing waste and recyclables during Mizzou's 2014 home football season demonstrates that by…

New source for brain’s development discovered

An unexpected source for the brain's development has been discovered by researchers, a finding that offers…

Does indoor spraying help prevent dengue?

The prevention of dengue, the most prevalent mosquito-borne virus in the world, relies heavily on controlling…

Does indoor spraying help prevent dengue?

The prevention of dengue, the most prevalent mosquito-borne virus in the world, relies heavily on controlling…

Drugs targeting the beta2-adrenoreceptor linked to Parkinson’s disease

Researchers want to prevent alpha-synuclein from accumulating in the brain. To do so, the team searched…

Drugs targeting the beta2-adrenoreceptor linked to Parkinson’s disease

Researchers want to prevent alpha-synuclein from accumulating in the brain. To do so, the team searched…

Reconstructing life at its beginning, cell by cell

In a technological tour de force, scientists have created a virtual model of an early fly…

Reconstructing life at its beginning, cell by cell

In a technological tour de force, scientists have created a virtual model of an early fly…

Nature gem within the city: What grows in the biodiversity-rich Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve

Being the oldest of its kind in Malaysia, Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve is a nature enclave,…

Drugs found to be more effective against depression than electric current

Medicinal therapy was found to be more than twice as effective as low-intensity brain stimulation in…