Can evolution explain why the young are often more susceptible than adults to infection?

In many species, including humans, the young are often more susceptible to infection than adults, even…

Walking is more efficient than thought for threatened polar bears

A polar bear plunges into the icy Arctic waters in search of firmer ice; its world,…

Hello kitty…

Meet the new residents of a cave in Santa Monica.

Brooklyn Students to Link Up with NASA Astronauts on Space Station

Brooklyn Students to Link Up with NASA Astronauts on Space Station

Brooklyn Students to Link Up with NASA Astronauts on Space Station

Brooklyn Students to Link Up with NASA Astronauts on Space Station

Long-term estrogen therapy changes microbial activity in the gut

Long-term therapy with estrogen and bazedoxifene alters the microbial composition and activity in the gut, affecting…

Absence epilepsy: When the brain is like ‘an orchestra without a conductor’

New contributions to the field of epilepsy have opened a window into the cellular events that…

Religious involvement deters recreational and medical marijuana use, researchers find

Researchers have found that individuals who regularly attend church and report that religion is very important…

Machine learning may be a game-changer for climate prediction

New research demonstrates that machine-learning techniques can be used to accurately represent clouds and their atmospheric…

Does good attendance equal good grades?

Studies of classroom attendance patterns in undergraduate students have shown that attendance and performance go hand…