NASA to Host Media Teleconference on National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Report

NASA will host a media teleconference at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT) Wednesday, June 20,…

NASA to Host Media Teleconference on National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Report

NASA will host a media teleconference at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT) Wednesday, June 20,…

New NASA Mission to Detect Plant Water Use from Space

In humans, a fever is a warning sign. The same goes for plants, but it's hard…

New NASA Mission to Detect Plant Water Use from Space

In humans, a fever is a warning sign. The same goes for plants, but it's hard…

The answer to triple-negative breast cancer?

Researchers have developed a computer program which has revealed a previously unknown combination of drugs that…

Binge drinking during youth may impact future offspring

A rat model found preconception binge drinking may have negative consequences on future offspring's growth, social…

Risks of cancer and mortality by average lifetime alcohol intake

The risk of mortality, and of developing a number of cancers, is lowest in light drinkers…

Allergies, glaciers, and pikas: climate change in action

You don't just feel the heat of global warming, you can see it in action all…

Interaction of paired and lined-up electrons can be manipulated in semiconductors

The way that electrons paired as composite particles or arranged in lines interact with each other…

Ford celebrates purchase of iconic Detroit train station

Ford Motor Co. is celebrating its purchase of Detroit's long vacant train depot that the company…