Marriage may protect against heart disease/stroke and associated risk of death

Marriage may protect against the development of heart disease/stroke as well as influencing who is more…

Increased risk of birth defects in babies after first-trimester exposure to lithium

Researchers have found an elevated risk of major congenital malformations in fetuses after first-trimester exposure to…

Coral reef ‘oases’ offer glimmer of hope

Scientists have discovered small communities of corals that are flourishing against the odds while so many…

Carbon nanotube optics provide optical-based quantum cryptography and quantum computing

Researchers are exploring the enhanced potential of carbon nanotubes as single-photon emitters for quantum information processing.

Phoneme project creates new haptic communications future

Communication could step beyond reading a cellular phone screen with a new technique by engineering researchers…

360 degrees, 180 seconds: Technique speeds analysis of crop traits

Researchers have devised a new LiDAR-based approach for automatically and efficiently gathering data about a plant's…

360 degrees, 180 seconds: Technique speeds analysis of crop traits

Researchers have devised a new LiDAR-based approach for automatically and efficiently gathering data about a plant's…

Scientists isolate protein data from the tiniest of caches — single human cells

Scientists have captured the most information yet about proteins within a single human cell, giving scientists…

The force is strong within us: New study explores cell mechanics at work

A research team focused on measuring the stiffness, bending, twisting and viscosity of individual cells --…

Study on social interactions could improve understanding of mental health risks

Investigators have released the results of a study that outlines how age, socioeconomic status, and other…