How does agriculture affect vulnerable insect-eating birds?

Aerial insectivores -- birds that hunt for insect prey on the wing -- are declining across…

Birth defect predicts testicular cancer, infertility in adulthood

New evidence supports international guidelines recommending surgery before 18 months of age for boys with undescended…

China is hot spot of ground-level ozone pollution

In China, people breathe air thick with the lung-damaging pollutant ozone two to six times more…

How unsecured medical record systems and medical devices put patient lives at risk

Physicians and computer scientists have shown it is easy to modify medical test results remotely by…

Dectin-1-mediated pain is critical for the resolution of fungal inflammation

Candidiasis is a painful infection that affects a large number of individuals, occasionally causing severe pain…

How the forest copes with the summer heat

Between April and August this year, Switzerland and central Europe have experienced the driest summer season…

Breakthrough could see bacteria used as cell factories to produce biofuels

Biologists have developed a new technique for manipulating small cell structures for use in a range…

Food activates brown fat

Brown fat consumes energy, which is the reason why it could be important for preventing obesity…

New herbicide registration for weed control in watermelon crops recommended

New research recommends that the herbicide bicyclopyrone, now used in corn, be registered for weed management…

Father’s diet could affect the long-term health of his offspring

New research has shown that a lack of protein in a father's diet affects sperm quality…