Goats prefer happy people

Goats can differentiate between human facial expressions and prefer to interact with happy people, according to…

Galileo: Brexit funds released for sat-nav study

UK ministers set aside £92m to study the feasibility of a sovereign satellite-navigation system.

Genes that regulate how much we dream

Sleep is known to allow animals to re-energize themselves and consolidate memories. Rapid eye movement (REM)…

Alternative treatment for peripheral artery disease

Scientists have a new way to fight peripheral artery disease, or PAD, an ailment affecting 8…

Potential target for treating pain during surgery

A research team has published a study that improves the understanding of the pain-sensing neurons that…

Writing a ‘thank you’ note is more powerful than we realize, study shows

New research proves writing letters of gratitude, like Jimmy Fallon's 'Thank You Notes,' is a pro-social…

Researchers 3D print prototype for ‘bionic eye’

A team of researchers has, for the first time, fully 3D printed an array of light…

The link between obesity, the brain, and genetics

Clinicians should consider how the way we think can make us vulnerable to obesity, and how…

Higgs particle’s favorite ‘daughter’ comes home

In a finding that caps years of exploration into the tiny particle known as the Higgs…

How forest conservation helps coral reefs

Researchers are discovering how forest conservation in Fiji can minimize the impact of human activities on…