MSFC Small Spacecraft Development Experience

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Increased chances of successful IVF with 18-20 eggs

The likelihood of childbirth after in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment increases if 18 to 20 eggs…

Veiled supernovae provide clue to stellar evolution

At the end of its life, a red supergiant star explodes in a hydrogen-rich supernova. By…

Satellites more at risk from fast solar wind than a major space storm

Satellites are more likely to be at risk from high-speed solar wind than a major geomagnetic…

Superradiance: Quantum effect detected in tiny diamonds

An atom gives off energy and causes many other atoms in its vicinity to emit light…

Cathode fabrication for oxide solid-state batteries at room temperature

Researchers have successfully fabricated a lithium trivanadate (LVO) cathode thick film on a garnet-type oxide solid…

Powerful tools to solve challenges in bio- and circular economy

Researchers have developed an efficient synthetic biology toolbox for industry and research organizations. This toolbox enables,…

Body temperature regulation: How fever comes

Researchers performed a microdialysis study on mice to determine mechanisms underlying the inflammatory response in the…

Like a zipper — how cells form new blood vessels

Blood vessel formation relies on the ability of vascular cells to move while remaining firmly connected…

Blue-green algae promises to help boost food crop yields

Scientists have engineered tiny carbon-capturing engines from blue-green algae into plants, in a breakthrough that promises…